Main Menu.txt

hello, and welcome to my personal page! my name is patchwork. this site is just for me to put literally anything. i do whatever i want forever. things on here may be messy and probably broken, if so feel free to go like. tell me somehow. this is my first time taking html and making a website in general seriously, and this place really isn't close at all to completion.

currently, i have a lot to do so far. this scrollbox here serves as a list of sorts!!!! when i'm done fully setting up i might change this to an update log or something. but currently, i need to:

  • finish the rest of the pages
  • finish drawings for the rest of the pages
  • for the love of god figure out how to make this look better on mobile

The current mood of patchwork at

if you want to link back to this site on your own page, feel free!! here's my button, and the link:

patchwork dot nekoweb dot org